A study of the temporomandibular joint during bruxism.

Keywords: Bruxism, clinching, grinding, sleep-related bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder, TMD, TMJ, headache, and migraine.

Do you or someone you know grind your teeth at night? Do you sometimes find yourself clinching or grinding your teeth during the daytime? Clenching and grinding of the teeth is known as bruxism. Not only is bruxism harmful to your teeth, it can take its toll on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) as well. The temporomandibular joint is most affected by sleep bruxism because the patient has little or no control over their actions while they sleep. Bruxism, if not correctly diagnosed and treated, can lead to other problems including headaches, jaw disorders, and damaged teeth. Dr. Stan Farrell is Board Certified and a member of the American Headache Society and a Diplomate with the American Board of Orofacial Pain, making him one of the best choices for your temporomandibular joint disorder treatment. Dr. Stan Farrell also uses the most effective methods of treatment and works diligently to erase the pain caused by TMD in the lives of his patients. If you or someone you know is clinching and or grinding your teeth, and are starting to experience jaw pain or headaches, please schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Stan Farrell at 480-945-3629 or visit us online at www.headpaininstitute.com for more information.

Commisso MS, Martínez-Reina J, Mayo J.

Abstract: A finite element model of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the human mandible was fabricated to study the effect of abnormal loading, such as awake and asleep bruxism, on the articular disc. A quasilinear viscoelastic model was used to simulate the behaviour of the disc. The viscoelastic nature of this tissue is shown to be an important factor when sustained (awake bruxism) or cyclic loading (sleep bruxism) is simulated. From the comparison of the two types of bruxism, it was seen that sustained clenching is the most detrimental activity for the TMJ disc, producing an overload that could lead to severe damage of this tissue. International Journal of Oral Science advance online publication, 14 March 2014; doi:110.1038/ijos.2014.4.