What Is The Difference Between Treatment At The Dentist vs. TMJ Treatment at HPI?

TMJ pain can affect one’s standard of living significantly, which is why it is important to seek proper treatment if you suffer from TMJ. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint which connects the jaw to the skull, allowing one to open and close their mouth. If you suffer from TMJ pain, there are a number of treatment options for you to turn to. Read on to find out more about how TMJ treatment at Head Pain Institute differs from treatment at the dentist.

TMJ Disorder Symptoms

There are multiple muscles and joints in the face and the jaw. If there are any issues with these joints and muscles, it may signal that there is an issue with the TMJ. Some of the most common symptoms for TMJ disorder include:

  • Headaches that are similar to migraines
  • Pain in the ears, face, and jaw
  • Pressure or pain behind the eyes
  • Jaw muscles that feel sore or tender
  • Popping or clicking sounds with jaw movement
  • Swollen face
  • A jaw that feels out of place or locks

TMJ Treatment at the Dentist

As symptoms for TMJ are similar to other conditions like sinus problems, tooth decay, and arthritis, dental clinics will first do a physical exam to rule out other conditions. They will then proceed to check the jaw joint for any tenderness or pain, and if the jaw is making popping or clicking noises.

A dentist will also test the patient’s bite, and examine how the jaw locks. They may also suggest taking an x-ray to have a clear and extensive view of issues with the jaw bone.

Dentists are able to prescribe anti-inflammatory medication for swelling and pain. If the root cause of TMJ is teeth-grinding, dentists are also able to fit you with a mouth guard that you can wear when sleeping to prevent teeth-grinding from occurring.

TMJ Treatment at Head Pain Institute

Head Pain Institute also offers a wide range of evidence-based medical and dental treatments. They include physical therapy, splints, and injections. Professionals at Head Pain Institute can administer muscle or joint injections to provide relief to muscle spasms or pain. On the other hand, they may use a splint to reposition the jaw. This is a procedure that can also help to strengthen facial muscles, helping the jaw remain in the right position in the long run. Head Pain Institute can also use hot or cold therapy to strengthen and stretch the jaws, alongside splint treatment to deal with TMJ pain. You will be pleased to know that we have a 90% success rate at non-surgical treatment. Our patients always feel comfortable and can restore their jaws’ functionality in no time at all.

Here at Head Pain Institute, our professionals aim to not only treat the symptoms but to diagnose the root cause of your TMJ pain and form a treatment plan for you to be able to live life comfortably without having to worry about TMJ pain. Our professionals are highly trained and are able to accurately diagnose and target your TMJ issues. If you or someone you love is currently suffering from TMJ pain, feel free to contact us or request an appointment to find out more about the treatment options we offer for TMJ disorders.