What is Bruxism ?

You may have bruxism and it can cause tinnitus. Bruxism is the term for the involuntary, unconscious, and excessive clenching or grinding of teeth. It is one of the primary causes of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder, or TMD, and can lead to a host of other, unwanted side effects, including tinnitus.

A study has found that tinnitus – ringing in the ears – is aggravated by insomnia, and bruxism. Over 36 million people suffer from , a health condition that causes ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears even when there is no sound present. This condition can result in a poor quality of life and health. The study revealed that the severity of tinnitus worsened among patients who suffer insomnia, bruxism, and TMJ.

At AZTMJ, Dr. Stan Farrell is one of the best-qualified doctors in the country for treating Bruxism, Tinnitus, and TMJ pain. His state-of-the-art treatments are proven to alleviate pain over the long term without the dangers of addiction to prescribed medications. Dr. Stan Farrell’s non-invasive approach to treating TMJ, which includes the use of a dental splint device, can often reposition the jaw without discomfort and helps strengthen facial muscles to assist in maintaining the proper jaw position over the long term. If you or someone you know is experiencing jaw pain or any type of facial pain please schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Farrell at 480-945-3629 or visit us at www.headpaininstitute.com for more information.