Headaches Fact Sheet 


Nearly everyone has had a headache, and most people experience it many times. A mild headache is often not a big deal and can be relieved by various over the counter drugs, a short rest, some types of food, or even a cup of coffee. However, if your headache is severe and does not go away regardless of what you do, you need to see a doctor since it could be due to some serious health problems. At the Head Pain Institute®, we are the leading pain management center in Phoenix and Scottsdale. We use high-level expertise and equipment in head diagnosis and treatment, and you can rely on us to provide treatments that alleviate pain in the long term.

What Causes Headaches?

The pain you experience when you have a headache emanates from different signals between your blood vessels, brain, and surrounding nerves.  

Some of the most common causes of headaches include:

  • Emotional stress and depression
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Illnesses such as colds, fevers, throat infection, ear infection, and conditions such as sinusitis.
  • Environmental factors such as strong smells from perfumes or chemicals, weather changes, noise pollution, and more.
  • Genetics: Some headaches, especially migraines, tend to run in the family tree. Studies show that a majority of children who get migraines have other members of their families who have them. If both parents have migraines, there is a 70% chance that their child or children will have them.
  • Too much physical activity

Types of Headaches We Treat

At Head Pain Institute®, our doctors treat over 150 types of headaches and their contributing factors. Some of the most common include:

Migraine headaches: These are severe headaches that cause throbbing and pounding pain. They can last for up to three. In some people, they come with other symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, blurry vision, fever, and more. 

Chronic daily headaches: These are headaches that happen daily and can last for up to four hours every time. There are different types of chronic daily headaches, as shown below:

  • Hemicranias continua
  • New daily persistent headache
  • Chronic migraine

Cluster headaches: These are regarded as the most severe headaches. They result in piercing or intense burning or piercing pain around or behind the eye. They can be constant or throbbing and occur in clusters. Each headache lasts for 15 minutes to four hours, and this can happen up to three times a day. These headaches can disappear for years only to come back later.

Post Traumatic headaches: These are headaches that occur after a head injury. They result in feelings such as:

  • Irritability
  • Tiring 
  • Concentration problems
  • Vertigo
  • Lightheadedness
  • … and more

Tension headaches: These are headaches that cause mild to moderate pain that comes and goes over time. They are common in teens and adults.

Sinus headaches: When you have a sinus headache, you will feel a deep and continuous pain around the bridge of your nose, on the forehead, and in your cheekbones. These headaches occur when cavities in the head cannot drain properly and sinus pressure results, i.e., inflamed sinuses. This headache comes with other symptoms such as fullness in ears, swollen face, fever, runny nose, and more.

When to Worry About a Headache

Below are situations that require the assistance of headache and pain management doctors:

  • A significant change in the pattern of your headaches
  • Headaches that occur after the age of 50
  • Headaches that interfere with your life, family, or work
  • Headaches that steadily become worse
  • Headaches accompanied by tenderness and pain near the temples
  • Headaches accompanied by painful red eyes
  • Headaches occurring after a blow on the head
  • Headaches in patients with impaired immune systems or cancer

If you are concerned about headaches and want to get diagnosed and treated by professionals, contact us today. You can email us at info@headpaininstitute.com or call 480-351-6513.