The dysfunction of TMJ or Temporomandibular Joints refers to a condition of imbalance in relationship between the skull and jaw. This is generally caused by improper alignment of the TMJs connecting the two bones. A disharmony is also created in the muscles that are attached to different these bones. A series of painful symptoms arises out of this dysfunctional condition.
The most common reason for TMJ dysfunction is malocclusion or bad bites. Excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth, bites developing out of abnormal teeth alignment, and different traumatic injuries are the top reasons for malocclusion. A number of TMJ Tucson patients suffer from different symptoms of TMJ like facial pain, headaches, hearing loss, limited jaw movement, jaw clicking, shoulder and neck pain, and many more.
Many blood vessels and nerves leading to different areas of the neck and head are found around the Temporomandibular Joints. Excessive pressure is exerted on these blood vessels and nerves due to a misalignment of jaws and TMJ. As a result, severe pain is experienced by the patients in shoulder, neck, and head. Pain can also be caused as a result of disturbance of balance of the jaw and skull muscles. Disturbance of the optimal jaw positioning causes muscle fatigue, spasm, and severe pain.
The good news is that there are plenty of TMJ Tucson treatment options for patients suffering from this problem. The initial stage of treatment involves diagnosis and addressing the discomfort caused by muscle spasms and pain. The patients are often advised to wear specially designed appliances to determine the best possible bite position for the TMJ of the patient. After finding the ideal position, it is possible to maintain it permanently through different treatment approaches depending on the condition of the patient.
Equilibration or Coronoplasty is one of the most common TMJ Tucson treatment options administered by the dentists. The process of Coronoplasty refers to reshaping and smoothening of the teeth enamel for bite correction. This is an uncomplicated procedure that requires no anesthesia and is the best option for slightly misaligned bites.
Removable Overlay Partials are removable and permanent appliances that are placed over the back of the teeth for maintaining the proper alignment of the bite. Reconstruction is another TMJ Tucson treatment approach that involves usage of crowns for placing the teeth higher. Reconstruction provides the required structural support for permanent realignment of bites. Braces can also be used to move healthy teeth to the optimal position.