Four Reasons You Wake Up With A Headache

Headaches are one of the most common pain conditions in the world. Our bodies are a complex system and there are often many potential causes of headaches. Therefore, it can be hard to identify the root cause of your pain. To be able to treat your headaches, be it through medications or lifestyle changes, a physician has to be able to identify the causes of your headaches in the first place. Here are some common causes of morning headaches that might be affecting you.


Stress can often be a trigger for headaches, especially migraines. Not only can it play its role in kickstarting pain, but it can also interfere with sleep and further exacerbate the symptoms. Having undiagnosed and untreated anxiety or depression can often contribute to this in a significant way. If stress is indeed the root cause of your headaches, do talk to a neurologist and a therapist who might prescribe you specific antidepressants that can help both anxiety or depression-induced migraines.


Dehydration can also be one of the causes of headaches. Doctors have claimed that the change in body hydration can impact intracranial pressure and result in electrolyte abnormalities. The solution to this could simply be to drink more water! It is also a good idea to take note of some of your preexisting conditions or medications that can increase your risk of becoming dehydrated, so consult your physician if this applies to you.

Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar can also be a common cause of headaches. It can often give off symptoms of night sweats, thirst, anxiety, fatigue as well as a lack of mental clarity that can occur along with the headache. If this is indeed the cause, do consult your physician to see how you can keep your glucose levels stable when you’re sleeping, especially if you have diabetes. If you don’t have diabetes, however, it is recommended for you to have a small protein-rich snack right before you go to sleep, so as to regulate your blood glucose levels.  


Bruxism also refers to the act of tooth grinding or jaw clenching. Clenching or grinding your teeth can result in a lot of tenderness to the muscles around the jaw. If there is a lot of tension and tenderness there, it can often worsen whatever underlying headache that you are currently suffering from. To resolve this, it would be a good idea to schedule a visit with your dentist to see if they can recommend a mouth guard to protect your teeth or Botox injections to relax your muscles.

It would also be necessary for you to figure out the root cause of your bruxism and can include things like behavioral therapy if you have a history of anxiety, or it could involve getting treated for an underlying sleep-related movement disorder. Your physician might recommend medication, relaxation techniques, or even dental treatment to manage your symptoms.

Visit Us at Head Pain Institute

If you’re looking for a solution to your debilitating headaches, it could be a good idea to visit us here at the Head Pain Institute. We treat a myriad of symptoms concerning headaches and will do our best to make your life pain-free. Contact us now to start to feel better.