5 Common Lockjaw Symptoms You Need To Know

When someone suffers from a particular TMJ disorder (TMD), known as lockjaw, their quality of life will be severely affected especially because of the discomfort, pain and dysfunction the disorder causes. If you are suffering from a locked jaw or other TMD symptoms, feel free to contact us to find out more!


There are a few common symptoms related to lockjaw. This includes stiffness or pain in the jaw and neck area, swelling of the jaw, limited mobility like locking of the jaw, and headaches. When someone has a locked jaw, they may also feel like the jaw is cramping up, and experience muscle spasms that are involuntary and uncontrollable. It may also result in trouble chewing and swallowing. In more serious cases, patients may even experience fever and break out in cold sweats from the pain.

Causes and Treatment

When the lower jaw joint is dislocated, a TMJ disorder may occur resulting in lockjaw. TMD can also occur if the muscles surrounding the joint are inflamed. This may be a result of trauma, lifestyle, stress or even arthritis.  In order to reduce the severity of the symptoms, there are some things that people can do. For example, they can eat soft foods and avoid extreme or sudden jaw movements. They may also use ice packs or other relaxation techniques which may help with stiffness, pain and swelling.

When chewing food, patients will have to be mindful of their jaw movements, and avoid food such as hard candy. To help deal with the pain, individuals may use anti-inflammatory medications to ease the pain and to relax the muscles. This can also help to reduce the amount of swelling. If you have habits like grinding your teeth at night, also known as bruxism, your TMD may worsen. In these cases, you may need a bite guard or stabilization splint to help lessen the impact of your teeth grinding or clenching.

To alleviate symptoms, professionals may perform Botox injections or TMJ joint blocks which are able to help with the pain and alleviate the symptoms.

Head Pain Institute Can Help with Lockjaw

It is important to seek the help of professionals when it comes to TMD, as professionals have the relevant knowledge, tools and skillset to help you formulate the best treatment plan, and to figure out the best course of action for you.  At Head Pain Institute, our team of experts are dedicated to helping you and ensuring that you are able to live life to the fullest. We understand the frustration that comes dealing with a locked jaw and the pain and discomfort that follows.  If you are suffering, schedule an appointment so you can be properly diagnosed and start treatment to alleviate your pain and anxiety. Feel free to contact us today to find out more about the services we offer!